Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sticks Card Game - A Rummy Card Game with a Twist

My friend Jenine made this game for me in a swap.  I had never heard of it and found it to be a fun game and great gift!  

This game would take some time to make yourself but would be well worth it.

Items Needed:
4 decks of face cards
42 tongue depressor sticks
Fabric bag or fabric to make your own (make sure you cannot see through it)
1 pen or marker
Directions which can be printed HERE
2 different colors of scrapbook paper
Computer & Printer

1.  Cover one side of each tongue depressor with one color of scrapbook paper - We'll say Brown.  Modpodge down.

2.  Cover the other side of the tongue depressor with scrapbook paper - We'll say Tan.  Modpodge down.

3.  Attach stick combinations to brown side of each tongue depressor.  Modpodge down.

4.  Cover each side of tongue depressor with an additional layer of modpodge.

5.  Sew bag if you did not purchase one already.

6.  Assemble all items in bag (include directions)

1 comment:

  1. Is this game patented or Pat. Pend?
