Sunday, October 28, 2012


I grew up playing with GAK, so of course I wanted to introduce my daughter to it.  

Items Needed:  
1 8oz bottle of Elmer's Glue (6 oz works too)
1 teaspoon borax laundry detergent
1/2 cup warm water
Food Coloring

1.  In a large bowl pour entire bottle of Elmer's glue into it.  

2.  Add a drop or two of food coloring and mix.

3.  In a separate bowl mix together 1/2 cup of warm water & 1 tsp of Borax.  Borax will dissolve. 

4.  Once Borax is disolved pour Borax Mixture into Glue.

5.  Stir with hands or spoon (I love the feeling so I use my hands).  
Continue mixing until all of glue and water is absorbed and creates a slime known as GAK.

GAK can be stored in an airtight container and used continuously for weeks.  
Because it is only glue, water & laundry detergent it will come out of clothing 
- the food coloring can stain if left on clothing.

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