Sunday, October 28, 2012

Button Wall Hanging

I saw these floating around Pinterest a while back and thought they looked cute and wanted to make one for myself.  I ended up making one for me and one for a friend for her Birthday. 

Items Needed:
Canvas - any size of your choosing - I choose an 8x8 canvas found at any craft store.
Various shades and sizes of buttons
Paint in the same color of your buttons
An outline of any letter.  (I printed a letter from my computer, cut it out and traced it onto the canvas)
Craft Glue

1.  Print the letter out on your computer

2.  Cut the letter out and trace it onto your canvas

3.  Paint the letter in the color of your choice - *very important to do this*

4.  Working in sections, decide on a pattern or layout for your buttons using various shades and sizes

5.  Once you've decided, using your craft glue to glue your buttons down.

6.  Upon completion allow it to fully dry before hanging on the wall.  

I only do one layer of buttons.  But I've seen some with multiple layers of buttons. 

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